International online criminals control today’s fake ID industry
and American families are paying the price.
Our kids, our homeland security and
our financial security are at risk.
We know a lot of this information will come as a surprise to many people. Fake IDs seem harmless, right? But there is a serious dark side to this issue. Educating yourself on the dangers of fake IDs will empower you to make informed decisions for you and your family.

An increasing threat to the
United States and what to
do about it.
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how can you help?
• Talk to your kids about the dangers of ordering and using fake IDs
• Share this site with your kids, family, friends, and colleagues!
• Tell your elected officials to fund citizen credential strengthening (licenses, passports, etc.)
• Contact us to access posters, digital materials, and more for campus, airports, and more!

Do you really want to risk a felony record that can cost you:
- a load of legal fees
- scholarships & grants
- school disciplinary action
- a future dream job
- your voting rights
Would you give your wallet to some rando on the street?
Of course not!
But in ordering a fake ID, you’ll “trust” an online criminal who will then:
- use YOUR personal deets to create IDs for human & sex traffickers, and terrorists
- sell your info to identity thieves who can scam & steal from you
- put your parent’s financial security at risk

Today’s fakes are totally different from those in the 90s, 80s, or earlier.
Why? The Internet.
Do you really want your kids to spoon-feed their name, home address, and photo (which are all personally identifiable!) to crime gangs?
Your kid’s data can be used to create IDs for human & sex traffickers or for domestic and international terrorists.
Fake IDs ruin your family’s credit.
Identity theft is no joke and is a hassle with potentially dire consequences for your entire family’s financial life. The personal information supplied by your kids leaves you vulnerable to identity theft, too.
Fake IDs already cost you about $1,000 a year.
Let that sink in. Each adult taxpayer pays about $1,000 a year to mitigate costs related to identity theft, underage drinking, check & returns fraud, and terrorism – fake IDs enable each of these crimes.

Fake IDs facilitate behaviors and poor decisions like binge drinking, drunk driving, and sexual assault, all of which can devastate lives for years.
Read more here .
Have the awkward talk about these tough topics.
Don’t count on a slap on the wrist if your kid is caught with a fake ID. Consequences are escalating and their future is at stake.
We have additional resources for you! Hop onto our full desktop/laptop site that is filled with informative articles and more. The same website address will automatically recognize your laptop:
Share your story
Has your family been affected by fake ID crimes? We’re compiling real experiences to help other families. Please consider sharing – your name will remain confidential and will not be associated with your story.